Graig Farm grows
A leading organic farmer continues to invest in its land with a new planting scheme.
Following a buoyant Christmas period, Jonathan Rees, owner of Graig Farm, has decided to celebrate the start of 2015 by purchasing 100 oak trees and planting them in the farm. He chose the humble oak, because, as a tree, it supports a larger number of different life forms, more so than many other British trees.
Rees said; “In the next coming years, we want to plant many more, including our orchard that contains some of the oldest varieties of fruit trees by grafting these on to new root stocks in order to keep these tasty Montgomeryshire secrets alive.
“Already, we have 20 per cent of the farm covered in trees and shrub; the trees on the farm include oak, ash, alders, willows, and mountain ash. We must plant for further generations so they can enjoy these great trees.”